Saturday, October 26, 2013

Official Letter : Mr Preddy Mothopeng Resigns from SA Politics to Boost Business in creating jobs, economic growth and Global markets

Official Letter : Mr  Preddy  Mothopeng Resigns from  SA  Politics to Boost Business in Creating Jobs, Economic Growth and Global Markets

Date : Fri 27 September 2013 at 9:45 AM

Revolutionary Greetings

Dear South Africans, Business Community, Media , COPE and other Parties

The People of South Africa and the Leadership of Congress of the People (COPE), as the key person who be-named the 3rd largest political party in South Africa Congress of the People and was very active in changing the political landscape of South Africa during 2008-early 2013, having been in politics from the late 80’s and having participated in various activities of AZASCO at Student Level practicing Black consciousness, contributing in ANCYL at my early youth level and  the ANC, having made friends and comradeship in all Sectors of politics and across all parties for more than  20 years.

I wish to inform this great nation  that I have officially taken a conscious decision to resign from active politics in pursue of business on a full scale, attracted by the need to  address key fundamental  issues of business transformation, job creation and leader in global markets.

Socially, I will continue to contribute to the country, Africa and the international community through Civil Organizations that are non-politically aligned and/ or influenced.
Kindly note that I have resigned (setback) from active politics other than advisory mood which will be on a mentoring role should future leaders require so.

Entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, businesses, government, general South Africans, Africans and the International community let there be mutual benefit that the economic growth of the Countries, the continent and the world so that the human race can enjoy it.

I wish you, the leadership and members of all political parties including COPE success and prosperity in your political endeavors, that the spirit of respect and tolerance, democracy and patriotism, principles and values enshrined in the constitution of the Country be the cornerstone in today’s politics.

Good Luck to all political parties for the upcoming SA 2014 general elections and beyond.


Preddy Mothopeng
Cell NO: 0840544733
email :


Friday, July 19, 2013

Curriculum Vitae or Profile of Bontshitswe Preddy Mothopeng

Bontshitswe Preddy "Mr P" Mothopeng Msieleng

National Diploma: Electrical Engineering (Cape University of Technologies),
Public Private Partnership “PPP” ( National Treasury & DBSA),  
Executive Development Programme (Wits Business School)
currently Studying Masters in Technology and Innovative Management (Davinci Institute) .

Other varies Certificates from  :

Business Advisor, Business Turnaround & Telecommunication, Technical, Management, Mentorship and  SMME Business.

Born  in March 1977. He was born and grownup undergoing his school in the dusty vibrant soil of Soweto.

EXPERTISE Experience in coordination and formulation of varies policies, deals, Consortiums, JV and BEE transactions  He is passionate about SMME development and youth empowerment. He is an entrepreneur that has been trialed and tested since 2002 in business, also an activist in business politics on socio African economic transformation & development. Being an entrepreneur with experience in startup, SME sector and having worked for  State Own enterprise , National and local government indeed he has  an African business asset .
COMMUNITY involvement in structures such as HBR Foundation, Tshwaragano Youth Foundation,  SANGOCO, Youth forum, Early child development initiatives

1. Contribution on Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) :
    1.1. Lead the first process and conference on 4IR in the country, through the Black IT Forum , where black professionals, academic, entrepreneurs, students and state officials discussed the challenges and opportunities of 4IR and how Africa should champion 4IR

    1.2. I have Contributed to the since 2017: China – 2018: SA BRICS ICT Meetings discussion 4IR Contributed and shared professional debates at the 2018 ITU on topics of 4IR

    1.3. I have participated and contributed to the white paper on 4IR initiated by Mininster of Science and Technology Honorable Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane

    1.4. I have participated and contributed to the e-skills summit that was initiated by Minister of Communication and Telecommunication and Postal Service Honorable Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams

    1.5. Participated and co-opted to be on the World Economic Forum task team on Internet for all which was in collaboration with the department of Telecommunication and postal Services

    1.6. Attended Metropolitan Cities and Citry region “Metrololis Anual meeting participated on the 4IR commission and engaged with global mayors of various cities around the world, I have an understanding of the challenges and solutions that some countries have implemented and their plans on 4IR.
    1.7. Funded and supported 4IR based movie, called Black Amina, which address woman abuse and human trafficking.
    1.8. Currently i am part of the ICT Industry CEO task team, lead by the CEO of Altron Mr Mteto mandated to provide a 5 year plan for the sector to the honorable President Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, to be included in his State of the Nation Address.
    1.9. Currently coordinating with Communication workers Union in establishing the 1st Bargaining council for the ICT Sector

2. International & National Lobbying OR Advisory :

2.1. I have advised in a form of written submission Former President Honorable Thabo Mbeki on various issues of Economy

2.2. I have advised in a form of written submission Former President Honorable Jacon Zuma on various issues of Economy and Defence

2.3. Through the Black IT Forum I have advised in a form of written submission our President Honorable Cyril Ramaphopsa on issues of ICT sector in particularly the merging of departments

2.4. Furthermore I have lobbied key Members of Parliament, the governing party and ICT industry leaders to support on progressive cause of ICT sector in particularly the merging of Departments

2.5. Through HBR Foundation we have Officially Lobbied US Congress, all 101 Senators and Former President Obama to withdraw any actions of war on Syria -2013

To list a few

He has gain relevant exposure both from the government business delegation
trade mission  and individual mission in African Countries such as Zimbabwe,Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia, and Middle east such as United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Oman, Turkey, Instanbal. Have participated at the IMF, EU activities and Doing Business In Africa. He has  international business relations and global corporation.

4.1  He is Chairperson of Hola Bon Renaissance Foundation "The African Empowerment", a non profit and non government aligned organization championing the issues of development
4.2 Black IT Forum national executive member and chairman of the Gauteng Province, an organization that advocates for transformation in the ICT sector
4.3 Institute of Business Advisor of Southern African,
4.4 NIASA and subcommitee member ,
4.5 BRICS ICT Business Member

4.6 Member of SABTIA

4.7 Member of the Department of Telecommunication and Postal Services Working Group on Post Office and also on SMME

He started working in 1994 through Nu-Metro as a customer service, and then joined Ster kenikor . He served his engineering practical at Display solution,later joined Telkom where he held varies positions until 2002.He is chairperson of Hola Bon Renaissance (HBR) Foundation an NGO advocating African Empowerment ,Also worked for the Department of Trade and Industry as a Network facilitator until 2010 , from 2011 to 2013 was Former Councilor in the  City of Johannesburg Municipality Until 2013. He founded Bon Com Pty Ltd in 2002, and currently the CEO of Bon Com Pty Ltd. He has more than 20 years of Experience in the ICT Sector

He seats on board of  directors on various of Companies such as XYL Capital, 1st B Data Centre, Global Media Creative, African IOT Consortium, BC Training Academy, Bon Com Group , Multi Trillion Group and Bon Sat to list a few

7.1 Founder member and former president of MYBICO “Mzanzi Youth Business in Coalition on Opportunities”: which represents youth in business, and that advocates empowerment of youth business.
7.2 I was in a Task group responsible for compiling a draft ICT charter document (2004-2005)
7.3 I was in a Task group responsible for discussing, strategizing and compiling Nepad Business Foundation recommendation reports for WSIS (2004).
7.4 I contested for the Mayorship of the City Of Johannesburg Metropolitan Council against honorable Mr Parks Tau and honorable Mr Mmusi Maimane, and became party leader of opposition in Council. (2011-2013)


7.4.1 As a student at Cape Penisula University of technology I was a members of SASCO and later Cofounded Azasco in advancing Black consciousness and played a critical role in the transformation of the Institution.1995-1999
7.4.2 Was a  Unionist in the Communication Workers Union at Telkom SA Ltd (1998-2002)
7.4.3 I have been a  member of the Black IT Forum since 2006
7.4.4 I was a Provincial Executive committee member of SALTA (South African Leisure and Tourism Association) (2004) a subsidiary of NAFCOC.
7.4.5 I was in a  Task group on discussion, strategizing and compiling ICT Sector Summit RSA recommendation report, to the Minister of Communication;
7.4.6 Participated in the formulation, submission and adoption of  DTI BEE Codes of practice;
7.4.7 was in Task group on the compiling a draft ICT charter document (2004-2005) representing BITF; Participated in Gauteng BBBEE strategy; 
7.4.8 I participated and contributed  to Gauteng Legislature -Youth development strategy and Bill;
7.4.9 Imbizo of National Youth Commission representing MYBiCO and later represented youth in business position in Parliament on the merger of Umsobomvu and Youth Commission in establishing National youth Development Agency;
7.4.10 I was part of  the initiators of Gauteng Enterprise Propeller stakeholder Forum and the business Advisory ;
7.4.11 I was a member Task team for developing national policy on youth works by Department of  Social Service;
7.4.12 Task team in organizing the Department of Public work on Youth in Construction  Summit; Presented and participated at the Department of Communication youth in ICT Summit.
7.4.13 Represented the above structures on varies platform including Parliament & International organs, Government and industry platforms to list a few…

8.1 During his Term of office as the President of MYBiCO,  he represented the organization when it challenged the Vodafone and/or Vodacom a multi national to court for it to transform , and subscribe to Black Economic  Empowerment, fought a battle that lead Vodacom giving  its ownership of  shares to thousands of majority of historically disadvantaged individuals (Black people)South Africans. (Link
8.2 Through HBR Foundation, he represented the organization when it challenged the Presidency of Republic  South Africa by taking it to the highest court in the country, in his strive to empower millions of people of the country who resides in Soweto, for them to have their own Municipality.

8.3 Was also active in South African politics, was a member of African National Congress until 2008 and later he was amongst the co founded  of  Congress of the People "COPE" and He is the one who Be-Named  the party to be  Congress of the People, at the time it was called SHIKOTA until 2013.
8.4 His resignation letter from the ANC ( link
8.5 While he had a vision for COPE (Link
8.6 Through the Black IT Forum I have advised in a form of written submission our President Honorable Cyril Ramaphopsa on issues of ICT sector in particularly the merging of departments, and furthermore lobbied the Parliament of South Africa, Communication Workers Union and the Industry leaders in ICT to support the Merger of Department of Communication and Telecommunication and Postal Services and furthermore that the Minister be a women lead...  2nd November 2018 (link )
On the 22 November 2018 The President of Republic of South Africa announced the Merger (Link )

8.7 on 13 December 2018,  advised the New Minister of Communication, Telecommunication and Postal Services Honorable Minister Stella Ndabeni Abrahams on review and amend ICASA act and ICASA mandate to align and enable it to regulate the 4th Industrial revolution and streaming video services, furthermore lobbied the Parliament and industry leaders . 

After being involved in politics since the late 1980's and serving in various structures of Political Parties from student level to main politics , on the 27 September 2013 he officially resigned from active politics to boost  and be an active player in the economy with particular focus on the African business.
( Resignation Letter Link

10. VISION : That of South Africa and other African countries to be declared in international leaders, developed countries, first world countries in an African model and content, with economic growth of 20% by the year 2030 to 2060.

His is absolutely committed to creating 1,000,000 Jobs in South Africa and 10 Million jobs in the African Continent and the world, though his Business Empire. which he is building and growing every moment, he will continue to also utilize public private partnership and  any other platform whether  be governments, associations, civil society or private sector that shares his 2030 Vision.

He is regarded and defined as a socio-capitalists, a strategist,a deal making, a visionary and leader of great style that add value in more than a million dimensions